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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tomorrow holiday

Dear staff and students,
Tomorrow 29/09/2014 will be a holiday.  The seminar scheduled tomorrow is postponed.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Seminar on Biotechnological intervention of plant-pathogen interactions - 29/9/14 in Department of Biotechnology, Sri Sankara Arts & Science College,

Department of Biotechnology, Sri Sankara Arts & Science College is going to conduct One day Seminar on "Biotechnological intervention of plant-pathogen interactions" - on 29th September, 2014 in Kanchipuram. 

The theme of the seminar is to bring and motivate the young minds into the field of plant Biotechnology. As the agricultural practice is shrinking day-by-day we need to put our scientific knowledge to this field for better livelihood of our people. This seminar will highlight the importance of plant defense responses against pathogenic organisms.

Chief Guest : Dr. R. Pachaiappan, PhD.
                      Assistant Professor
                      Department of Biotechnology
                      School of Bioengineering
                       SRM University

Venue: Sri Kanchi Mahaswamy Prayer Hall
Sri Sankara Arts & Science College
Enathur, Kanchipuram - 631561

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Antiragging online affidavit

All the 2nd and 3rd year students are requested to complete the online form and submit the copy received via their emails to the department as soon as possible. B.Ramesh

Friday, September 12, 2014

AB blood type may increase dementia risk

Those with AB blood were 82 percent more likely to develop memory problems than others.

People with the least common blood type, AB, are more likely to develop thinking and memory problems that can lead to dementia in later years than people with other blood types, says a study.

“Our study looks at blood type and risk of cognitive impairment,” said study author Mary Cushman from the University of Vermont, College of Medicine in Burlington.

Those with AB blood were 82 percent more likely to develop memory problems than others.

“Blood type is also related to other vascular conditions like stroke, so the findings highlight the connections between vascular issues and brain health,” Cushman added.

The study was part of a larger study (Reasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke) of more than 30,000 people followed for an average of 3.4 years.

People with AB blood type made up 6 percent of the group who developed cognitive impairment, which is higher than the 4 percent found in the population.

The researchers also looked at levels of factor VIII, a protein that helps blood to clot. High levels of factor VIII are related to higher risk of cognitive impairment and dementia.

People with AB blood had a higher average level of factor VIII than people with other blood types.

The study appeared in the journal Neurology.

Source: The Hindu