III B.Sc Biotechnology
I M.Sc Biotechnology
Miss.B.Janani B.Sc II M.Sc Biotechnology
II M.Sc. students presented and participated an international conference entitled as "Research, Innovations and Entrepreneurial Venues - An Outlook" (ICAB - 2022), organized by the PG Department of Biotechnology, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav college (Autonomous), Chennai on 19th and 20th October, 2022
- Hemasree Gokulavani won III prize in the oral presentation and the topic entitled as "Virtual Screening of Novel Antibacterial Compound against Bacterial DNA Gyrase and its In vitro confirmation studies".
- Sharmila. P won III prize in the poster presentation and the topic entitled as "Virtual Screening of Anti -larval compound from Green Source against Acetylholinesterase of Mosquito and in vitro confirmational studies".
Our hearty congratulation to both of you
I B.Sc. Biotechnology
II B.Sc. Biotechnology
Miss.I. Sisiliya
III B.Sc Biotechnology
Miss.M.P. Kaviya B.Sc
I M.Sc. Biotechnology
Miss.G.Monika B.Sc II M.Sc Biotechnology