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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Miss Loganayaki - IISER Mohali Summer Program-2013

Miss Loganayaki - IISER Mohali Summer Program-2013

Ms. Loganayaki (outgoing MSc Biotechnology student) participated in prestigious IISER Mohali Summer Program-2013. She had undergone training for the period of last one month under the guidance of Dr. Kavitababu, in C. elegans Lab, IISER, Mohali. During her stay in IISER she learned many aspects of neurobiology of C. elegans.  It is interesting to note that Ms.Loganayaki is also one of the recipients of IISc Summer Research Fellowship-2013. Her student project proposal was selected and awarded by Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Chennai.

                The staff and students of Department of Biotechnology appreciate her hard work and dedication. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Instructive post! Bio-tech is the most progressing and steady overhauling field which makes understudies positive as it concerns new imaginative procedure in a constant way.
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